David by Michelangelo

David by Michelangelo
David by Michelangelo is not Augustin

28 May 2014

Director's Journal Week 14

     In this week, a public screening had been held in the amphitheater in the Faculty of Built Environment. I arrived the place late because I was lost in the Faculty of Engineering (mistaken that the event is held there).

     Honestly, I really like this place. The space is opened and when you move your head up, you get to see the sky with bright moon and shining stars. Breezy air blows your face and the students sit and interact with each other before the screening which starts at 9pm. I feel very comfortable here and I enjoy siting there and re-watch the short films while exchanging ideas on movie.

Photo credited to Abdullah Ahmad Sazili
      This will be one of the events that I enjoyed in my university life. The screening is casual and watching films outdoor at night is a very good experience for me. You can grab some food or drinks as you like and you don’t feel restricted by anything. Unfortunately, I had to leave early as I have test on the next morning and I missed the present changing session and FOOD!

       I really hope that this kind of screening will be held at least once a semester. Other than the products of the student, we can show some short films and videos produced by local directors. Or we can have P. Ramlee’s movie marathon which we can watch many of this great artist’s work in one night. Students get to discuss and learn about the movie casually with no borders set like in the class. The more interesting part is, anyone who is interested of the films shown can sit down and join us which enhance interaction with people from other faculties. We will get to know the opinion of other people on movies and other arts. This help to raise the culture of film appreciation in the university.

26 May 2014

Director's Journal Week 13

     In this week, let's us pay a tribute to one of the greatest directors in Malaysia.
     Yasmin Ahmad was born in Kampung Bukit Treh in Muar, Johor on 7 Jan 1958, the oldest of three children of a musician father and theatre director mother. She was graduated in arts majoring in politics and psychology from Newcastle University in England. She worked as a trainee banker in 1982 for two weeks then working for IBM as a marketing representative.  She worked as blues singer and pianist at night. Yasmin started her career in advertising as a copywriter at Ogilvy & Mather and in 1993 she moved to Leo Burnett as joint creative director with Ali Mohammed, eventually rising to executive creative director at the firm's Kuala Lumpur branch. On 23 July 2009, Yasmin suffered a stroke and hemorrhaging in the brain. On 25 July 2009, after more than 48 hours of surgery, she was pronounced dead at 11:25 pm. It is a tragedy that Yasmin Ahmad, one of the few Malaysian directors to make a name on the world stage, has died aged 51.

      Most of her commercials and films have been screened at the Berlin, San Francisco, Singapore international film festivals and the Cannes Lions International Advertising Festival. Her films were featured in a special retrospective at the 19th Tokyo International Film Festival in October 2006.

      Ahmad was part of a new generation of film-makers who reflected the wide ethnic and cultural diversity of her country and the lives and dreams of its young people. Stylistically, her principal influences were Yasujiro Ozu and Douglas Sirk, although she created her own western and oriental mixture. Her films challenged ethnic stereotypes, and she was openly against any type of fundamentalism and racism, making it her life's work to support minority rights. Her films also explored romance between members of different ethnic groups and religions, touching on the issues of parental abandonment, AIDS and gender discrimination, against the backdrop of Malaysia's ethnic diversity.

      Unsurprisingly, her feature films were disliked by the regime in Malaysia, a conservative, mostly Muslim country, for tackling taboo subjects such as inter-racial relations and teenage angst. In fact, the second, and perhaps most renowned of her six features, Sepet (2004), was banned in Malaysia, until Ahmad agreed to make eight cuts.

      Sepet (which could be translated as "slit eyes"), about a relationship between a Chinese boy and a Malay girl, touched the sensitive nerve of race in Malaysia, where the memory of the terrible 1969 riots between Chinese and Malays is still strong. Ahmad, who was married to a Chinese man, made the film for $400,000 and shot it in Ipoh, where Chinese and Malay communities live in close proximity. The film focused on a 16-year-old student, Orked (Sharifah Amani), the only child of well-off Malay parents (Ida Nerina and Harith Iskander), who falls for Jason (Ng Choo Seong), a slightly older Chinese boy, who sells pirated video tapes at an open-air market but like to read and write poetry. Despite differences in class, race and language, a romance blossoms. The story ends as tragedy. Ahmad followed the characters of Orked and her family in two sequels, Gubra and Mukhsin (both 2006).

       Other than movies, Ahmad also produced ads for Petronas, the national oil and gas company. The stories of these ads are simple but touch the Malaysian people’s heart during festive seasons. Her ads were the one I waited to see during festive seasons, my favourites are the one shoot at 2006 and 2008.

       The first one is about old folks living in nursing home who swagger about the achievements of their children and they seem proud of their children although they are very busy. Different from them, just say that his son is good and he is coming to fetch her. After that, a white car appear and son appear and said that the family is going to Cameron Highland. The other old folks look disappointed and continue to have their meal quietly.

      The other one happened in a primary school, where students are asked to draw what reunion dinner means to them. While everybody is busying drawing, Thiam Hock sits and observes because he does not know what a reunion dinner is. After that, Thiam Hock is waiting for someone at the bus stop alone and he waves as he see persons and cars pass through. An Indian lady then appears and offers her hands to him when all of his friends are gone. Together, they walk to the orphanage.

     Another of my favourite ads is “Tan Hong Ming in Love” which interviews Tan Hong Ming and his girlfriend. The couple is naïve and do not have discrimination which reflects the unity of different races in Malaysia.      

     Yasmin Ahmad is really a talented director and she is irreplaceable. 

     If she was still alive...  


18 May 2014

Director's Journal Week 12

     We arrived at 5:30 in the afternoon and we saw Ah Leow and Danny sitting on the sofa. We greeted each other before sitting down and then long wait was started. We are told that there will be refreshment but the manager of the event came to told us that there will be delay for it and she apologized sincerely. She knew that we were starving and after a few minutes, the manager came up with a loaf of bread and she asked us to eat some bread first.

      Time don't fly when we wait there, nothing much i can do but stare at the window. Just before entering the hall, puffs were served, two pieces each person. At the same time, we realized that tea and coffee were served, they were already there when we arrived, but the waiter didn't tell us.

      I entered the hall, it is small but it fits the number of people we had well. I sat down and talked to Ah Leow and joined by others later. The event was started by the performance by the emcee and then we listened to the speeches by the manager of the event, the president of Media Club and Head of Department.

     There are 14 videos and there was no break in between, I had to sneak out in the middle of the screening to go to toilet which made me missed some part of the videos. Every video has its own story and style; and every director has his or her own thought and way to tell a story but the personalities were not seen from the video they had directed. Young directors. Among the videos, i like the composition of "Petonah", the pictures shoot at rice field are good with the help of natural sunlight, green field and blue sky. Other than that, the colour of the film "Epilogue" do bring us to old times.

     Buffet was ready after the screening. I didn't eat much because it's late for dinner and I don't have appetite for supper. The food didn't taste good but it filled my stomach. After that, 7 awards were given and then the event was ended.

     Everybody went out of the hall and took pictures; they all had good time.

 Overall, the event is smooth and thank you who has contributed.


11 May 2014

Director's Journal Week 11

I have used by book voucher (BB1M) to purchase these two books. 

One is Screenplay: The Foundations of Screenwriting by Syd Field.  

In this book, there are 18 chapters which tell you what screenwriting is about. From the subject to the creation of character to building story line, the book is a good educational book for the beginner of screenwriting. 

Contents of the book

Portrait of Syd Field

 Another one is Master Shots Volume 1, i bought the Chinese version because it is cheaper compare to English version. 

In this book by Christopher Kenworthy, movie making techniques like camera's position, lighting adjustment and so on are introduced. It is suitable for those people who already have some basic knowledge and skills about movie making. And if you are wondering how to shoot a fighting scene and how to shoot a kissing scene, this book may give a hand.

I'm still reading the book, so no much comments i can make on these two books. Perhaps you can get a copy and find out by yourself.

4 May 2014

Director's Journal Week 10

      In this week, we are required to do pitching for a short film. 

      According to dummies.com, a pitch is an animated summation of a script with emphasis on the main characters, the conflict, and the genre. When pitching a script, you use this summation to persuade industry professionals to option the work (purchase it for consideration).

We were corrected after we had presented our own ideas in the class.

Here is my corrected version:

In 2015, five astronauts were sent to investigate the existence of life form on Jupiter. Lucas experience dramatic physical and mental changes when he reached the earth, he find out that he has gained mystical power and able to see illusion from Jupiter but he don’t realize that other people experience the same thing too. Accidentally, Lucas discovers that other people have the same people and they find out that their DNA are altered by radioactive wave on Jupiter and their bodies are used by alien as a portal for them to enter the earth and begin invasion.

I must admit that this story is not good enough and it was made up in a two hours.

But i did learnt what pitching is.


3 May 2014

Director's Journal Week 9

        It all started with the poster of the film, which features the close up of the characters who are having orgasms. Instead of showing naked bodies or genitals, the director used the facial expressions to symbolize that this film is rebellious and provocative. This is the reason I watch this film, I was attracted by the poster. The film director uses the desire and curiosity of man on sex to attract people to watch the film. But after you have watched the film, it not what you have imagined, it’s more than that.

This is a work of pornography, in which fantasy, and the contemplation of it, is the only thing that’s real. David Denby, The New Yorker. 

        The best part of Lars von Trier's fascinating, engaging and often didactic "Nymphomaniac" is that, despite the sometimes-grim tone and bleak color palate, it's an extremely funny film, playful, even. It's outrageous and provocative, intellectual and primal at sometimes the same time. It features of a lot of what looks like actual sex (although we are told in the end credits that the penetrative sex depicted was done by body doubles), and while it is obviously interested in sex, it is more interested in how we talk about sex, how we incorporate it into our identity (or don't). 
Roger Ebert,  March 21, 2014

      The film begins with black screen and the sound of rain hitting on metal. The director wants us to clear our minds before watching the movie and the sound of water drop on metal signifies the sound of sexual intercourse between man and woman. After that, the picture of an old alley pops up with water flowing on the wall which signifies the fluid coming out from woman genital. The rock and roll music starts after the close up of a hole, which signifies that the film is shocking and rebellious. Then an old bachelor, Seligman (Stellan Skarsgård), discovers badly beaten Joe in an alley and takes her into his home. He is a complete stranger and he asks what happened. As he tends to her wounds, Joe (Charlotte Gainsbourg), a self-diagnosed nymphomaniac, recounts the erotic story of her adolescence and young-adulthood. She warns him up front that it will not be a nice story, that she is a bad person. He assures her that nothing she tells him will shock him. He thinks she may be being too hard on herself. There's something almost unfinished about Joe, a flat affect, as she insists that her behavior has been beyond-the-pale. As the rain pours down, she tells him her story which she inspired from the things in the old man’s house. Everytime Joe tells her stories, Seligman comes out with theories which relate to the stories.

        The film is broken up into titled-sections, each with their own narrative thru-line and tone.

      In the flashback sections of Volume I, the young Joe is played by Stacy Martin, being raised by a "cold bitch" of a mother, and a kindly doctor father (Christian Slater) who passes on to his daughter a love of flora and fauna. She discovers early on that when she touches herself between her legs, she gets what she calls "the sensation". She has done “playing frogs” with her best friend, B and she rubs her vagina between rope. Joe views her virginity as something that needs to be gotten rid of pronto, so she hits up a local rough-around-the-edges mechanic named Jerome (Shia LaBeouf) to do the deed; he penetrate her 3 times and 5 times from the back. After that, there are long conversations about Edgar Allan Poe, Bach, and Fibonacci numbers.

       Young Joe, once she lost her virginity, starts her quest to have as much sex as she possibly can. Her partner-in-crime for this is B who is even more daring, and who comes up with various sexual competitions. They board a train and competes how many men they have sex with and the winner get chocolate. Joe is amazed to discover how easy it is. She tells Seligman of her learning curve, the tactics and strategies she used as she worked that train. "Every man is different. She is cold and calculating about it, and the scene really captures the restlessness and kamikaze bravery of young girls first trying out their sexual powers without knowing at all what they are doing.", Roger Ebert. Seligman is not freaked out by what Joe tells him. On the contrary, he is delighted by it, and seems delighted by the opportunity to talk about all of these important matters in an in-depth spit-balling kind of way. Seligman is a big fly-fisher, and much of what Joe describes, her various tactics with men, her use of different kinds of "lures", reminds him of his favorite hobby. "Nymphomaniac" does not judge Young Joe and her friend. The only person judging Young Joe is the mature Joe, wrapped up in blankets, telling Seligman the story. 

        Chapter 2 is about Jerome, he keeps entering the film, through various hard-to-believe coincidences. The mechanic somehow is transformed into a pencil-pushing office manager. Joe found herself crush for Jerome, but when she is ready to confess about it, Jerome vanishes.

B: “The secret ingredient to sex is love”.

Unbelievable Uma Thurman

        Chapter 3 is about Mrs. H. In one sequence, Joe relates the difficulties of juggling seven different lovers. Often the lovers meet at her door, one guy leaving as the other guy arrives. Things get messy. Joe may be able to separate sex from emotion (as a matter of fact, that is her goal), but it is not as easy for others. One guy shows up at her door, holding a couple of suits in dry-cleaning bags, announcing he has finally left his wife and is moving in. Joe is horrified, even more so when the scorned wife, known only as Mrs. H. (Uma Thurman) shows up at the door with her three children. She wants the boys to see where Daddy has been spending all his time. "Come, boys, let's go look at the whoring bed!" exclaims Mrs. H. brightly.

     The next chapter is Delirium, talks about the disease Joe’s father has. His father suffered before he died and Joe uses sex to escape from the most painful moment in her life. When she saw her fathers' corpse, she is lubricated and she is shameful about that. But Seligman consoles her that it's normal to reach sexually during crisis. This chapter is in black and white which signifies the moment she don't want to remember.

The little organ school is the last chapter in Volume One. She talks about three lovers relating to the three voices used in Polyphony (it's distinguished by the idea that every voice is it's own melody, but together in harmony).

F is the bass voice, the monotone, predictable and he knows what Joe wants in sex. Joe's orgasm is the F's goal and he gives Joe the privilege that no one has and he is the foundation to the Cantus Firmus.    

G is like some kind of Jaguar or Leopard, he doesn't enter the door immediately but he does, he could take the whole world. He is the one she had to and wanted to wait for and he is in charge in the sex. He is the second voice.

The third voice is the secret ingredient, Jerome, who appear in the park and hook up with Joe. With Jerome, Joe's hole is filled and she is satisfied and happy abut it, she has found her love. At the same time, she lost her orgasm.   

“Sex can be many things, it can express love, hate, power, revenge. It can relieve boredom. It can be overlaid with intellectual considerations, or concerned with concepts such as consent, objectification, misogyny, the entire history of cultural baggage people bring into bed with them. "Nymphomaniac: Vol. I" addresses these heavy topics, but in a way that doesn't feel heavy at all. The film is an intellectual high-wire act, death-defying, dangerous, entertaining, and delighting in its own inventiveness and daring.”, Roger Ebert.

As this is a movie about feminism, which will definitely help in the our production of PSA.


NEVER BEEN KISSED (1999) movie review

“Let me tell you something, I don't care about being your stupid prom queen. I'm 25 years old. I'm an undercover reporter for the Chicago Sun Times and I've been beating my brains out trying to impress you people. Let me tell you something Gibby, Kirsten, Kristin, you will spend your lives trying to keep others down because it makes you feel more important. Why her? Let me tell you about this girl she is unbelievable. I was new here and she befriended me no questions asked. But you, you were only my friend after my brother, Rob, posed as a student and told you to like me. All of you people, there is a big world out there... bigger than prom, bigger than high school and it won't matter if you were the prom queen, the quarterback of the football team, or the biggest nerd in school. Find out who you are and try not to be afraid of it.”

          The world becomes smaller when you put a frame on it. High school is like a small society, to have an enjoyable high school life, one has to be popular, and the way to become popular is to be cool and it can be achieved by bullying the weak ones. Those smart people in the schools are the weak ones; they often have dreams which are different from the cool ones. They are bullied because they don’t want to fight back or when they are regarded as nerds, they should be bullied. The cools ones are those people who have confident in themselves, they are fashion forward and have leadership skills. Their confidences are built by bullying the nerds and creating phenomenon (Rufus) in school. The nerds are good at academic while the cool ones are good at sports; they are grouped together by the sense of belonging. There is one place for all of them to shine: the prom night, which the most popular people will be crowned as prom queen and prom king, and it is important for teenagers in Western countries because when a person is crowned, he or she is considered successful in his or her life, just like being rich in adult’s world. After going through hard times in high school and in workplace, Josie Geller understands what’s important in life now. She goes back to the school and manages to become popular helped by her brother, Rob Geller. She fills all her shadows she left when she was young and the contrast is big. She had the taste of being popular, but she soon realized that this is fake when she sees her first friend in school, Aldys, becomes the victim of Guy Perkins, Gibby, Kirsten and Kristin. Unaware of the consequences, she reveals her identity when she is angry and upset for what has happened throughout her undercover life. She voice out as she wants to help these lost teenagers to find what’s important to them. In the outside world (the real society), it does not matter that you were the prom queen, best football player or smartest person in the school, what really matters is you yourself, your choice and the life that you want to live. Never afraid of anything or anyone when you found that who are you and what you want in your life and go for it. Although Josie messed up with her work, her life (Josie’s brother) and relationship with the teacher, Sam, but she manages to fix it back and did a confession on the newspaper. On the night of final gameplay, Josie, stands at the center of the field, get her first kiss by Sam when the countdown ends. High school life, changed Josie’s life twice, one which makes her realized how weak she is, another one which makes her realized how strong she is. 

Transformation from Josie Grossie to ordinary Josie and 
to the copy-editor Josie Geller.