David by Michelangelo

David by Michelangelo
David by Michelangelo is not Augustin

21 March 2014

Director's Journal Week 5

     In this week, three groups have done their rehearsal shootings and we get to the see the previews on Thursday. I was late so I hope that I did't miss important part of the presentation.

     The first one is the PSA group and the comments are the lighting is not dark enough and the tracking is not smooth. We just get to see a small clip so not much comment can be made. 

     The next group is news which is produced by first year students. The script is about student who found a mysterious creature in the forest of University of Malaya. After the video is leaked, this creature is gaining fans and the scientists from the university start to investigate it. During the reporting of the TV anchor, the people hear a creepy sound and they run away. After that, the creature takes the camera and shows his real face. In my opinion, this is a good idea but it can be done better. There are some questions to be answered.

  1.       If he is a human, why the person who took and see the phone recorded video will think that he is a creature?
  2.       Why the creature is creating a phenomenon in university and gaining fans?
  3.       How the creature get hurt (in the video, the news reporter said that the scientists are investigating on the creature by tracking his blood).
  4.       What attracts the creature to the place where they have the shooting?

     The last group is another group who also produce news. Their news is about Miss University of Malaya who is killed violently and found when a student jogs on the road. Then we get to know some information about the victim from her best friend. I’m not good at photography skills and I understand that this is a rehearsal shooting, so no comments will be made based on the shooting skills. But there some points that the director should take note.

*In the video, the crowds who are crying at the back are making much noise until I can’t hear the news reporter clearly and this will affect my judges on this rehearsal shooting. If the things I mention below are not correct then I apologize for that.

      Since the witness of Mia’s corpse will be interviewed, the news reporter does no need to tell how the corpse is discovered at the beginning of the news. The information from the news reporter and the interviewee should not overlap and repeated; this will makes the audience feel bored.

      In the news you see from TV, usually the faces of the corpses will be mosaicked and the bloody body will be covered with cloths to avoid evoke of disgust among viewers. Since the face and body are covered, the scriptwriter has to think of a way to show that how the victim is killed violently and the marks of marker pen on her face. Usually the police play the role of telling the condition of the corpse (more official and realistic). Other than that, police is the person who will prove that this is a case of murder (exclude suicide) and investigate the case under the acts of law. Another doubt I have is, why the news reporter interview the master of college, I don’t see the relation between the victim and the college’s master in the news (didn’t explain well or I didn’t hear it).

By the way, the comments above are my personal opinions.

I hope that everything will go smooth during the real shooting and I’m expecting quality production from our group.

WORK HARD everyone!

DARK SKIES movie review

     Dark Skies is a sci-fi and horror hybrid with the story of Daniel Barrett (Josh Hamilton), his wife Lucy (Keri Russell), and their two young sons who are struggling middle class American family. Daniel disappoints his wife with failed job interviews while Lucy does her best to bring in some cash working as an estate agent. But soon, they are starting to have other problems. Strange things start to happen around the house; food scattered on the floor of kitchen, the photographs in the living room being removed from their frames, kitchen furniture forming complex arrangements that cause weird patterns to be projected onto the ceiling and three flocks of birds messily slamming into the house at the same time. At first, most of them seem to be revolving around younger son Sam (Kadan Rockett), who claims that "The Sandman" is visiting him in his dreams and tells him creepy things. The older son (Dakota Goyo) seems somewhat immune to all these mysterious goings-on, but that may be because he’s preoccupied: He’s just at the age where he’s noticing girls, and the soft-core porn he watches while visiting the house of a slightly older pal has put some confused romantic ideas into his head involving a neighborhood cutie (Annie Thurman).When the rest of the family begins to experience the inexplicable trances, seizures, mysterious bloody noses and bruises, they become neighborhood pariahs.

      It becomes apparent that the Barretts are the subject of an alien experiment when Lucy loses several hours out of a day. Gathering information from the internet, with the proof of child’s drawing, Lucy still fails to convince Daniel that there extraterrestrial lives visiting them at night. Daniel struggles but installs cameras in the rooms and chooses to believe Lucy based on the playback of the recorded video. Eventually, they come across Edwin Allard (J.K. Simmons) who is found from the internet and he informs them that they are being observed and tormented by aliens who are experimenting with them as a scientist might use a lab rat. "The Greys," according to him have been hiding amongst us for a long time and that their recently escalating aggression suggests that they may be preparing to kidnap one from the family. Assuming that Sam is the ultimate target, the Barretts barricade themselves inside their home for a final standoff in which they attempt to fend off the invaders with shotguns and a guard dog. Perhaps not surprisingly, things do not go quite as planned. 

     The family is isolated by the trick of The Greys while Jesse have illusions of his mother killed by his father who commit suicide later, his best friend watching porn with his neighborhood, while his younger brother play hid and seek with him which leads him to a corridor. When he wakes up, he found himself far from his family members but close to The Greys. At this point, we realized that the first target kid is not Sam but Jesse. He was seriously sick when he was a baby, dimming of street lights when he cycle on the street at night (the grays are following him), these were the signs to show that the person being observed is Jesse. Three months later, the family move to other house and we can see the family didn’t stop looking for their son based on the pictures of children and the map where they are lost.  After that, Lucy bring some toys for Sammy, from a box of Jesse’s belongings, she found drawings which add questions to the loss of her son. The painting of two adults which one of them is pregnant and a kid, and then a kid with a big bunny, and then aliens surrounding a cloud (messy lines) with light at the center, a kid is inside the cloud, and then the grays observing a baby at the last picture. There are many interpretations about the pictures according to the Douban communities.

      The first drawing is the Barretts family with Lacy having her second son, Sam, in the womb. The second picture is a drawing of Jesse with another alien.  According to Edwind, aliens are classified into the greys, insectoids, and reptilians. The big bunny can be insectoids or reptilians which competes with the greys to conduct experiment using Jesse. Jesse is kidnapped and returned a few times until Sam is born who distract them from Jesse. Another saying is that the man in the second drawing is Lacy (hairstyle same with the previous one), which means that the person being observed is actually Lacy. Proves are she is the one who discover the intruders into the house late night, the flocks of bird flew to her when she is in the house. These are just the possibilities, the fact is all of the people from the family are affected but after a long observation, Jesse is the family member that the greys want to catch the most.

      The film takes its time in setting up the Barrett family household, and the insidious invasion of their home is handled subtly and well. The first jump moment doesn’t occur until we’re well over half an hour into the picture, and after that the film builds its tension relentlessly until we get to an ending that obviously isn’t going to be given away here. Serious and humourless, this film builds tension from the beginning to the end and there is not a single moment to relax when the aliens invade the house, except the scene which Jesse cycle on the street after he kissed a girl. At the beginning, we see pictures of peaceful residential area with neighbourhood relaxing in the garden, chatting among themselves, but the music used gives feeling of mystery and also create tension, we won’t be surprise if someone is dead or other accidents happen but the camera turns to the family which is having barbeque in the garden. While the script continually messes with the audience’s head, the score was creepy enough to keep our attention. It gave off an eerie, uncomfortable vibe that has you glued to your seat as you anxiously await what’s behind the corner. Furthermore, the sound effect of the bass makes our hearts tremble and beat faster and the score works very great at creating tension and prepare you to the scary scene that you will see later. 

     Other than that, Keri Russell did quite good in this movie. The outbreak in the old house, she switches her emotions and facial expressions instantly, her flawless performance added credit to this film.

     Since there are a lot of unsolved questions, there will be possibility of second episode.

     The ending is also hinting that Jesse is released from the greys. The walkie-talkie is a kid’s toy which is the greys. The possible interpretation is that Jesse is released and he found the walkie-talkie and try to contact with the family. Another interpretation is that, Jesse is not released but trapped in another interspace in the house which he can’t see his family but able to use the walkie-talkie as the media between two spaces.

Close up

Medium Shot

Medium Shot

Two Shots

Long Shot

Long Shot

Pan Down

Pan Up


Douban communities

17 March 2014

Director's Journal Week 4

      Our PSA team had rehearsal shooting on 14 March 2014 (Friday). We start the shooting at about 2pm and I was responsible for the lighting which plays an important role in film shooting.

       First we shoot a lady swinging on a rocking chair and there are wounds and bruises on her face and body. 

      The director wants to create an image with the lady which only one side of her face is seen while the other side is in shadow. This is my first time using the lamp and I’m not good at controlling it. We try to shoot the scene with a direct light from one side of the lady. But the effect is not as good as we imagine. The picture comes out too bright and yellowish but we manage to get the shadow that we want. In addition, the wall is white colour as a result it reflects light.

Photo from Google

     Other than that, the lamp heats up easily, in a few seconds the plates at the side of the lamp become steaming hot. We need to switch off the light after one minute. I was thinking that why the designer of the lamp do not attach a fan with it. Another thing that I don’t like about the lamp is the smell when it’s heated up. Another problem is the tripod; there are some shot that we require the light from below to the top. But the minimum height of the tripod does not support that. So we have to hold it using our hands.

      After the shooting, I have realized the importance of lighting and do a little research on film lighting.

     According to Creative Skill Set Organization, there is a Lighting Department in film production; the different members of the Lighting crew are responsible, together with others such as the Camera crew or Designer, for the look and feel of the images that are captured on the screen. Although some productions may make use of daylight, for the most part it is necessary to use artificial light to achieve the visual image required. They set up a wide range of lighting equipment to achieve a variety of moods, atmospheres and effects, as well as helping to make the actors, performers and participants look right for their roles.

      Lighting is referred to as the filmmaker's paintbrush or the raw material of the filmmaker’s world, said lights film school. The footage would turn out too dark and ultimately underexposed without any type of light. With too much light, the pictures would turn out overexposed. Lighting, like other elements of composition helps you place emphasis on subjects that are of more interest, while taking away attention from objects that hold lesser importance to the overall shot. Light and shadows can also create mood, draw your attention to a specific area, modify shape, create a 3rd dimension or bring out texture in an object. Another key element in filmmaking is shadow caused by lighting as they help create the illusion of three dimensions in a shot. The shots would record images without form or curvature and would appear lifeless and dull without shadows. The atmosphere of a picture is affected profoundly by the color of daylight. Being conscious of the color of light around you will allow you to manipulate the mood set by each of your shots. Changes to the color of light are often more dramatic at the beginning and end of each day. At dusk and dawn, have your video or film camera ready and prepared to capture the experience.

Here is a video which teaches us about simple video lighting technique.

The Lighting Department, retrieved from http://www.creativeskillset.org/film/jobs/lighting/ on 14 March 2014.

Lighting For Film Sets, retrieved from http://www.lightsfilmschool.com/articles/lighting_tutorial/index.html on 14 March 2014.

16 March 2014

THE SIXTH SENSE movie review

         According to IMBd, M. Night Shyamalan is an Indian screenwriter, film director, and producer known for making movies with contemporary supernatural plots including The Sixth Sense (1999), Unbreakable (2000), Signs (2002), The Village (2004) and The Happening (2008). He is born in India (6 August 1970) and known for filming and setting his movies in and around Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, where he was raised. His passion for filmmaking began when he was given a Super-8 camera at age eight, and even at that young age began to model his career on that of his idol, Steven Spielberg. His first film, Praying with Anger (1992), was based somewhat on his own trip back to visit the India of his birth. He raised all the funds for this project, in addition to directing, producing and starring in it. Wide Awake (1998), his second film, he wrote and directed, and shot it in the Philadelphia-area Catholic school he once attended--even though his family was of a different religion, they sent him to that school because of its strict discipline.

       His trademark is having some sort of twist in the end or surprise ending in his films, The Sixth Sense (1999) is a very good example. Other than that, many of his films involve two ordinary individuals with extraordinary abilities or events happening to them. In The Sixth Sense, Cole has ghost eyes and Malcolm is a bestowed child psychologist. In his film, one of the people either has connections to a child or is a child, and the one connected to the child is always having marital difficulties. His films contain widowed spouses or struggling/abandoned marriages; Anna Crowe in The Sixth Sense was a widow. He also likes to make little appearances in his own movies, like Dr. Hill in The Sixth Sense. Car crashes play pivotal roles in all his films: Cole reveals his gift to his mother during a traffic jam in The Sixth Sense. He uses water as a sign of death or weakness; in The Sixth Sense (1999), Vincent is hiding in a bathroom and kills Dr. Malcolm.

         Malcolm Crowe (Bruce Willis) is a child psychologist which his contribution is recognized by the Mayor. When he is celebrating with his wife, a teenager, Vincent who was a patient to the doctor intruded into the house and then kill the doctor and himself. One year later, the doctor met a boy, Cole who shares similarities with Vincent and makes the doctor decided to help him as he do not want to repeat his mistake. At the beginning, the boy refuses to tell the doctor his secret as he thinks that he cannot help him. As his age, he is disappointed by the people around him as people don’t understand his feeling and think that he is a freak, so he chooses to hide this as secret from people including his mother. After the doctor get along with the boy, when trust is built, in the hospital, the boy tell the doctor that he can see ghosts. But this is too shocking to the doctor as he is educated and he don’t believe the existence of ghost in this world and assume Cole is having visual hallucinations, paranoia and school age schizophrenia. One day, Cole begs the doctor as the boy thinks that the doctor is the only person who can help him. The doctor listens to his recording with Vincent and found out a vague voice of a man speaking Spanish “I don’t want to die”. The doctor runs to find Cole and help Cole to solve the problem. The doctor helps the boy to understand that the ghosts show themselves because they want to ask help from Cole. Cole listens to the doctor and helps the sick girl. The doctor goes back to his home and sees her wife sleeping on a couch. He talks to his wife and his wife answers him. When he sees the marriage ring drops from her hand, he has flashback of Cole’s words and scenes of the night that he is killed. He sees her wife was having dinner alone, the door is blocked by table and clouds coming out of his wife mouth, and he realize that he is dead. When he figures that out and has words with her wife, he is ready to go now.

         According to Merriam-Webster, thriller is a work of fiction or drama designed to hold the interest by the use of high degree of intrigue, adventure, or suspense. According to Oxford dictionary, thriller is a novel, play, or film with an exciting plot, typically involving crime or espionage. More interested in suspense, putting you “on the edge of your seat” or in plain terms, making you nervous for the fate of the characters. Horror is defined as painful and intense fear, dread, or dismay; intense aversion or repugnance; repulsive, horrible, or dismal quality or character. A horror movie wants to make you fear for your persona safety, to make you afraid that what happened to the characters may happen to you even after you’ve left the theater. There is an intense feeling of fear, shock, or disgust in horror movie. As a good horror movie often contains a great deal of suspense and as a good thriller can be pretty scary in spots it’s more down to the intentions of the film maker and the subject matter of the film. 

      The Sixth Sense is a masterful blend of psychological drama and horrific imagery. There are moments when viewers are touched by the emotional relationship between Cole Sear and his mother, and there are moments when viewers are frightened by the disturbing images we are shown. This film is rated PG-13 which means “Parents Strongly Cautioned. Some Material May Be Inappropriate For Children Under 13”. From the beginning of the film, the mysterious feeling in the basement catches the attention of audiences and we follow the camera to the living hall and to the room. When Anna sees pieces of broken glasses and then suddenly a shadow pass by accompany with the shout of Anne, this terrifies the audience as the camera moves to the bathroom and we don’t know what will come out from there. The surrounding is quiet plus the broken glasses, sounds of the phone with unknown person hiding in the room, this creates tension and then feels scared. After that we see a pale teenager who seems harmless but afraid at the beginning. Then he utters “You don’t know so many things”, this cathes the attention of the audience as they don’t know the things Vincent is talking about. Furthermore, if the doctor recognize who is that teenager at this point, the story will become less interesting. When Vincent say “Do you know you are afraid when you are alone?” and the he answer his own questions, this make the audience eyeballs stick to the screen. And then Vincent suddenly outburst and shout, this terrifies us and I think Donnie Wahlberg did a very good job on this role, without him, the beginning will be dull and can’t pull the audience to continue to see the movie.
Other scenes which create a high degree of intrigue are when the cabinets are all opened in the kitchen, Cole acts weirdly in the class, locked in the dungeon, the appearance of Neddy’s wife at midnight, hanging of 3 corpses at the corridor of school, the visiting of the vomiting girl ghost. Different from horror movies, the director didn’t use a lot of blood, ferocious face of the ghost. The director uses sounds, which is loud or quiet which makes the audience uncomfortable. He didn’t use exaggerated technique to terrify the audiences, but the deepest fear of human, like fear of facing darkness, fear of being abandoned, fear of facing the deaths.

     There are four main characters in this film, they are Dr. Malcolm Crowe (Bruce Willis), Cole Sear (Haley Joel Osment), Toni Collette (Lynn Sear) and Olivia Williams (Anna Crowe).

      In this film, Bruce acts as a doctor who is in deep sorrow and regrets; this is the reason why there is always a feeling of helpless and sadness in his eyes. After the incidence of Vincent, his confidence on child psychology is lost and refuses to help Cole with his excuse of problem with his wife. In this film, he acts as a gentle and caring man whom makes us forget that his appearances in many actions films (e.g. Die Hard series). When he found out that he is dead, from his expressions, we can feel his love and care for his wife, he yearns for the past and helpless when facing the reality. When he sees his wife smile, relieved that he has said what he want to say to his wife at the same time, this makes me think of another movie “Ghost” which share similarity with this one. The difference is The Sixth Sense is a thriller, the touching point is not reached by accumulation of emotion but the sudden twist of emotion at the end.

I see people. They don’t know they are dead. How often do you ee them. All the time. They are everywhere. They only see what they want to see.

      This film may star Bruce Willis, but it is Haley Joel Osment's film from start to finish. He's a brilliant young actor who has been great before, but outdoes himself here. Without Haley, this film would be a disaster. At 11, he has shown mature acting skills and he tells stories using his blue eyes. Undoubtfully, his performance in this film makes him nominated as Oscar’s best supporting actor. My favourite play of him will the scene which he tells his secret to the doctor. His watery blue eyes and his acting makes us pity him a lot and he is really good at doing this. Other than a boy who is scared and troubled, he also shows us what a boy should really be in some scenes (chatting with her mom 21:20, sitting in a cart pushed by his mom 59:00, drama which he acts as King Arthur 1:30:00).    

     The chemistry and bond Bruce has with Osment is striking and powerful. There are some scenes where Cole shares his thoughts with Dr. Malcolm make us think that Cole is an adult (scene in the school corridor 57:00 and scene in the church 1:20:00).

What are you thinking , Mama? You think I’m a freak?
Look at my face. I will never think that about you. Ever. Got it?
Got it.

    Collette is brilliant as Lynn Sear, and her emotional breakdown is heartbreaking. The central issue here is not the fact that Cole can see ghosts. His relationship with his mother is crucial to the film's success.

     I’m tired in my body, I’m tired in my mind, I’m tired in my heart.

Scenes between them are dramatically charged, and the chemistry between the two is riveting. Toni Collette gives a masterful performance as a woman so desperate to understand her child's problems that she is breaking down emotionally. In what could have been a cliched, mother-beats-child relationship, M. Night Shyamalan ensures that these two are the core of the film's emotions. Cole must hide things from his mother, and it is easy to see that it is tearing both of them apart. It's emotionally gut-wrenching, and their scenes together are the best of the film. Olivia Williams is underused as Willis' wife, though she is great when on screen.

You know why are you afraid when you are alone?

      One role not forget to mention is Vincent; he plays a big role and catch the audience successfully at the beginning of the film. He also leaves a big impact on the doctor and makes him stay in the world and wander for one year until he meets Cole which can help him to correct his mistake. Vincent makes the story goes on and the main factor for the doctor to help the doctor to decide to help Cole. By listening back to the recording with Vincent, Dr. Malcom fined reason to trust Cole and help both Cole and himself to solve their problems.

      The story is told in chronological order. "I see dead people", with four words, the course of the film changes. The Sixth Sense is no longer about the emotional trouble this kid is having. Instead, it's about Malcolm's fight to beat the kid's problems. How does one go about helping a child get over the trauma of seeing dead people--complete with their bloody injuries that they had when they died? Yes, this is a ghost story, but it's also the first ghost story that actually sets out to help the ghosts. Are Malcolm guides Cole to aide these apparitions in the resting of their souls.

      The twist at the end of the film is a classic which is on everybody’s mouth. Much has been said of the climax, in which the plot comes to a screeching halt and sends it off in a completely new direction. It's the ultimate plot twist. Just as the ending of The Usual Suspects shocked us, so it does here.
After the doctor has been shot, we are not sure that the doctor is dead or not but when we see him sitting on a chair in garden in the next scene, we assume that he is still alive but in the ending, we realize that he is a ghost then we abandon the inference we had before. When the doctor is sitting together with Cole’s mother in the room, when the doctor meets his wife in the restaurant, when we see the ending, we will think that it’s very obvious that other than Cole, no people interact with him. The door he can’t open is blocked by a table, when he is shot, blood coming out from his back. Everything we thought we knew turns out to be questionable. It's worthy of a second viewing just to see if it all works out. While there are moments that are logically questionable, everything does work out. The twist is not the point of the film, however. It's merely there to enhance the story, and it works. This twist is not the only point to the story. It's just to make us talk about the film afterwards.

M. Night Shyamalan’s bibliography, retrieved from http://www.biography.com/people/m-night-shyamalan-9542296, and http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0796117/bio, on 16 March 2014.


6 March 2014

Director's Journal Week 3 - 2

     The film that we are going to produce is about 2 minutes long and the story will be an office lady sitting on a rocking chair while having flashback on how her husband has abused her.  The directing team has already written the script and had idea on how to shot those scenes before I join the team. We discussed the sequence of scenes and which arrangement will leave a bigger impact to the audience. The interpretation of the scenes which will be used in the film differs among group members. This is the best part for a group work, by combining brains from different people, ideas can be generated and concept can be made clearer through brainstorming. 

     In movies and literatures, object often carries symbolic meanings and the meanings are left for the audience or readers to interpret according to the perceptions they have. In most of the films, objects play an important role and will help the audience to understand the story more.

     In the film we are going to produce, the props we most probably will be using are rocking chair, vase, flowers, belt, and alcoholic drink’s bottle.Dropping of the vase onto the ground and breaks into many pieces, this is used often in film to symbolize shocked feeling, sad and other emotions. Flower like rose symbolizes woman, beauty, romantic and sometimes blood. The characteristic of a man can be shown using belt. Choice of colour, material and buckle reflects the social status and sense of fashion of the user.  

     The object that I want to focus here is the rocking chair, which the object carries significant symbolic meaning in the novel “Sister Carrie” by Theodore Dreiser. Sister Carrie (1900) is a novel about a young country girl who moves to the big city where she starts realizing her own American Dream, first as a mistress to men that she perceives as superior, and later becoming a famous actress. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sister_Carrie)

Aunt Karen in the Rocking Chair - Edvard Munch

     The rocking chair as a symbol of dream for Carrie in Chicago and of escape for Hurstwood in New York, and it is an obvious example of a rhythmical symbol (qtd. in Pizer, 1976: 91). Throughout Sister Carrie, the symbol of the rocking chair is employed by Dreiser to reflect “the restlessness, the feverish activity, which leads Carrie to no satisfying destination”( Gerber,1964: 62). Early in the novel Carrie is seen rocking in her sister’s flat on Van Buren Street , dreaming of escaping with Drouet. As Drouet’s mistress in Ogden Place she desires a luxurious life, fame, applause, refinement. 

     The rocking chair is a symbol of Carrie’s continued frustration and her inability to make a choice, wavering instead from one possibility to the other. Just before Hurstwood’s two visits which occur along chapters eleven and twelve Carrie sits rocking in her chair. Dreiser takes the opportunity to foreshadow the future outcome of her desire: “She hummed and hummed as the moments went by …and was therein as happy though she did not perceive it, as she ever should be”(87). In New York when living with Hurstwood, she sits rocking to and fro, thinking how “common place”( 229) her pretty flat is compared with “what the rest of the world was enjoying”(229)- the rest of the world made of those who had money and had a better life than hers.( Gerber, 1964: 62)
In contrast to Carrie, after losing his business, Hurstwood uses the rocking chair to meditate over the lost days, the exhausted funds and his lack of strength. In the chair’s slow and repeated motion he finds a narcotic dream of security.
      The final view of Carrie is moving. She now finds herself rocking in her chair, “successful but unhappy, accomplished but unfulfilled” (Gerber, 1964: 63), she dreams of new conquests which undoubtedly will or must bring her joy. Yet she accepts for the first time that happiness may not be for her, that perhaps her fate is “forever to be the pursuit of that radiance of delight which tints the distant hilltops of the world” (369). Dreiser creates a universe where life takes on the aspect of “ a fierce, grim struggle in which no quarter was either given or taken, and in which are laid traps, lied, squandered, erred, through illusion”. (Dreiser, 1991: 82) And even the survivors of the struggle to become a king, are left without a trophy.


     If you are interested to read the complete essay, you click into the website link below.

      Other than that, in some films (I can’t remember which), rocking chair symbolizes death as people especially old folks die on it. When they are retired, the old folks have plenty of time to be spent but don’t have much energy to carry out their hobbies. They won’t figure the meaning of life anymore and relax on the chair. They rock the chair as time elapses, energy elapses and life elapses.  

Director's Journal Week 3 - 1

         Today (3 March 2014) is the first day that I join the class while this week is the third week of the semester. Why am I late? The reason is I was still unsure of what external elective course that I want to take for this semester and one day before the registration is closed, I registered this course. I hope that this course will help me to develop directing and screen writing skills as my interest toward movie grows recently. After having the lecture and watching the movie “Kill Bill”, I am distributed to the PSA group which will produce a short film to raise the awareness of domestic violence among people. The group leader or the director, Shinno, told me that the script of the short film and explained her ideas. I have shared my ideas with her and the other member. There are many things undecided and further discussion is needed. This is a good start for me and others.

         Since the short film is about domestic violence, I have spent some time reading on the domestic violence in the country we are living. According to AWAM (All Women’s Action Society), domestic violence occurs when a partner, former partner or family member attempts to control and dominate a person through violence, the threat of violence or other means of control such as deprivation. (cited from AWAM official website, http://www.awam.org.my/domesticv.html)

         Women, Family and Community Development Minister Datuk Rohani Abdul Karim said there were 3,173 cases of domestic violence reported in 2010, with 2,522 women and 650 men being the victims.   

"In 2011, there were 3,277 cases, an increase of 0.03 per cent, whereby 2,462 of the victims were women and 815, men.  In 2012, the number of victims comprised 2,558 women and 930 men," she said after launching a campaign against violence against women at the southbound Sungai Besi toll plaza, here, today.” 
(cited from an article published on 12 October 2013, New Straits Times)   

There are some facts about domestic violence:
  •          The Domestic Violence Act was enacted in 1996 after more than a decade of campaigning by women’s organizations including AWAM, and other organizations.
  •      Under the Act, domestic violence includes: causing physical injury or placing the survivor in fear of physical injury; compelling the survivor by force or by threat to engage in any conduct, sexual or otherwise; destruction or damage of property; confining or detaining the survivor against her will.
  •         Under the Act, marital rape is not a crime.

  •     Domestic violence often takes many forms such as physical and psychological abuse. The latter includes put-downs and insults. This takes an emotional toll on survivors who may experience fear, stress, guilt and depression.
  •          Abusers often inflict one or more forms of violence over a period of time.

(cited from AWAM official website, http://www.awam.org.my/domesticv.html)

         The causes of domestic violence can be intake of drug and alcohol, environment, temper, early marriage, lack of religion and beliefs, lack of education and lost control of emotion.

If you are interested on domestic violence, here are some links for further reading:

AWAM official website 

Women’s Aid Organisation website (http://www.wao.org.my/Domestic+Violence_37_5_1.htm)

I also have watched some commercials or short films regarding domestic violence which I think can be our reference.

4 March 2014


“Bang Bang… he shot me down… bang bang… I hit the ground… bang bang… my baby shot me down…”

       Kill Bill is about the revenge of a bride on the assassin, Bill and his circle which is known as Deadly Viper Assassination Squad (or DiVAS). The bride, pregnant in white dress, takes a bullet in the head on her wedding day, an attempted whack by her former associates but unluckily for them she was merely comatose. Four years later, the Bride suddenly awakens from her coma and realizes what has been done to her. Then she sets out to take revenge on her assailants, writing a ''to kill'' list with their names on it. One by one, she kills the various members of the assassin group according to the difficulty to be killed and he saves Bill for last. In the Volume One, she kills Copperhead (Vernita Green) and Cottonmouth (O-Ren-Shii).

      In this movie, the director, Quentin Tarantino pays tribute to the old movies which some scenes will be familiar if you have watched those movies before. Each assassin from the squad is named by the name of poison snakes (California Mountain Snake, Cottonmouth, Copperhead and Black Mamba) and this idea is taken from the American classic comic, “Captain America”. In the comic, there is a “Serpent Society” which the members are also named in this way. 

      In the last fight which the Bride takes on 88 yakuza fighters and cut limbs and trunks like cutting fruits, feels as casual and elegant as a show-stopping musical number, the bride wears yellow jumpsuit which alludes to the one wore by Bruce Lee in his move “Game of Death”. 

      Other than that, the black masks worn by the fighters is the same as the one worn in Bruce Lee's TV series, The Green Hornet, as the director pay respect to the Hong Kong action movie star. Tarantino has cast veteran Japanese action star Sonny Chiba as a legendary sword-craftsman, and the role he play, Hattori Hanzo is a real samurai from 15th century, a real hero among the people at that time.

“Revenge is never a straight line. It's a forest, and like a forest it's easy to lose your way... To get lost... To forget where you came in, quoted from Hattori Hanzo.” 

Revenge is a cycle and it will never stop once it is initiated, this is what the movie is about. The first person on the list, Vernita is killed by the bride in front of Vernita’s daughter, Nikki. 

It was not my intention to do this in front of you. For that I'm sorry. But you can take my word for it, your mother had it comin'. When you grow up, if you still feel raw about it, I'll be waiting”, told by the unstoppable bride who is furious and sad upon on her dead child, to Nikki who had witnessed her mother stab by a knife. 

     Next person to be killed, O-Ren-Shii is a powerful woman in the Tokyo’s underground society and business. She, too, took revenge because she witnessed her parents being killed cruelty and showered by the blood of her mother when she was young. Luckily for me, who had enough of realistic killing and violent fighting scenes, this part is presented in anime. Although the killing of parents is more violent and cruel than before (stabbing of sword into the skull and on the body on the bed) but they are pictures and the audience is till made excited because the anime didn’t reduce the feeling of tension in the film.

      The background of O-Ren Ishii last weapon, Gogo, is unknown. At her age, she is no afraid to talk about sex and kill the person in the bar who is intended to have sex with her. In my opinion, this may be caused by her past experience and she join O-Ren Ishii because they share similarities. When the bride battles with Gogo, she solemnly offers a little girl her own future chance for violence. From here, we can see that although the bride is determined to revenge but she also hopes that the revenge can be stopped here.


       In the movie world created by the director, the bride makes her legs work through sheer willpower, blood flowing out from the body like fountain and she takes her sword into the plane as carry-on, and actually has it next to her seat! I was made uncomfortable by the cruel killing scene at the beginning of the movie, but when I start to get used to them, I start to enjoy watching it although I am not into movie like this. One thing I like the most about the movie is the music. What will the film like without the music? The music plays an important role in the movie as the tempo matches the tempo of those fighting scenes so well and it make those cruel and violence easily accepted by the audience. The exciting fighting acts created with the assistance of martial arts master, Yuen Wo-Ping combines with the music and made the fighting like dancing.

Here is the link to my favourite song from the soundtrack which is featured in the climax fight in the movie.   
