David by Michelangelo

David by Michelangelo
David by Michelangelo is not Augustin

21 March 2014

Director's Journal Week 5

     In this week, three groups have done their rehearsal shootings and we get to the see the previews on Thursday. I was late so I hope that I did't miss important part of the presentation.

     The first one is the PSA group and the comments are the lighting is not dark enough and the tracking is not smooth. We just get to see a small clip so not much comment can be made. 

     The next group is news which is produced by first year students. The script is about student who found a mysterious creature in the forest of University of Malaya. After the video is leaked, this creature is gaining fans and the scientists from the university start to investigate it. During the reporting of the TV anchor, the people hear a creepy sound and they run away. After that, the creature takes the camera and shows his real face. In my opinion, this is a good idea but it can be done better. There are some questions to be answered.

  1.       If he is a human, why the person who took and see the phone recorded video will think that he is a creature?
  2.       Why the creature is creating a phenomenon in university and gaining fans?
  3.       How the creature get hurt (in the video, the news reporter said that the scientists are investigating on the creature by tracking his blood).
  4.       What attracts the creature to the place where they have the shooting?

     The last group is another group who also produce news. Their news is about Miss University of Malaya who is killed violently and found when a student jogs on the road. Then we get to know some information about the victim from her best friend. I’m not good at photography skills and I understand that this is a rehearsal shooting, so no comments will be made based on the shooting skills. But there some points that the director should take note.

*In the video, the crowds who are crying at the back are making much noise until I can’t hear the news reporter clearly and this will affect my judges on this rehearsal shooting. If the things I mention below are not correct then I apologize for that.

      Since the witness of Mia’s corpse will be interviewed, the news reporter does no need to tell how the corpse is discovered at the beginning of the news. The information from the news reporter and the interviewee should not overlap and repeated; this will makes the audience feel bored.

      In the news you see from TV, usually the faces of the corpses will be mosaicked and the bloody body will be covered with cloths to avoid evoke of disgust among viewers. Since the face and body are covered, the scriptwriter has to think of a way to show that how the victim is killed violently and the marks of marker pen on her face. Usually the police play the role of telling the condition of the corpse (more official and realistic). Other than that, police is the person who will prove that this is a case of murder (exclude suicide) and investigate the case under the acts of law. Another doubt I have is, why the news reporter interview the master of college, I don’t see the relation between the victim and the college’s master in the news (didn’t explain well or I didn’t hear it).

By the way, the comments above are my personal opinions.

I hope that everything will go smooth during the real shooting and I’m expecting quality production from our group.

WORK HARD everyone!

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