David by Michelangelo

David by Michelangelo
David by Michelangelo is not Augustin

11 May 2014

Director's Journal Week 11

I have used by book voucher (BB1M) to purchase these two books. 

One is Screenplay: The Foundations of Screenwriting by Syd Field.  

In this book, there are 18 chapters which tell you what screenwriting is about. From the subject to the creation of character to building story line, the book is a good educational book for the beginner of screenwriting. 

Contents of the book

Portrait of Syd Field

 Another one is Master Shots Volume 1, i bought the Chinese version because it is cheaper compare to English version. 

In this book by Christopher Kenworthy, movie making techniques like camera's position, lighting adjustment and so on are introduced. It is suitable for those people who already have some basic knowledge and skills about movie making. And if you are wondering how to shoot a fighting scene and how to shoot a kissing scene, this book may give a hand.

I'm still reading the book, so no much comments i can make on these two books. Perhaps you can get a copy and find out by yourself.

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