David by Michelangelo

David by Michelangelo
David by Michelangelo is not Augustin

28 May 2014

Director's Journal Week 14

     In this week, a public screening had been held in the amphitheater in the Faculty of Built Environment. I arrived the place late because I was lost in the Faculty of Engineering (mistaken that the event is held there).

     Honestly, I really like this place. The space is opened and when you move your head up, you get to see the sky with bright moon and shining stars. Breezy air blows your face and the students sit and interact with each other before the screening which starts at 9pm. I feel very comfortable here and I enjoy siting there and re-watch the short films while exchanging ideas on movie.

Photo credited to Abdullah Ahmad Sazili
      This will be one of the events that I enjoyed in my university life. The screening is casual and watching films outdoor at night is a very good experience for me. You can grab some food or drinks as you like and you don’t feel restricted by anything. Unfortunately, I had to leave early as I have test on the next morning and I missed the present changing session and FOOD!

       I really hope that this kind of screening will be held at least once a semester. Other than the products of the student, we can show some short films and videos produced by local directors. Or we can have P. Ramlee’s movie marathon which we can watch many of this great artist’s work in one night. Students get to discuss and learn about the movie casually with no borders set like in the class. The more interesting part is, anyone who is interested of the films shown can sit down and join us which enhance interaction with people from other faculties. We will get to know the opinion of other people on movies and other arts. This help to raise the culture of film appreciation in the university.

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